Feminist theory

Titanen och Sagodrottningen. Kulturella representationer av August Strindberg och Selma Lagerlöf
Aronsson, Inga-Lill and Birgitta Meurling, eds., Det bekönade museet: Genusperspektiv i museologi och museiverksamhet, Uppsala: Department of ALM, Uppsala University publications, 2005, including: Ek-Nilsson, Katarina, ‘Titanen och Sagodrottningen. Kulturella representationer av August Strindberg och Selma Lagerlöf’, 53-91.

Les filles de Marianne: histoire de féminismes
Bard, Christine, Les filles de Marianne: histoire de féminismes, 1914-1940, Paris: Fayard, 1995.

Le Deuxième sexe
Beauvoir, Simone de, Le Deuxième sexe (The Second Sex), Paris: Gallimard, 1949.

Civilization, the decline of middle-class manliness
Bederman, Gail, Manliness & civilization, Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995.

Bederman, Gail, ‘“Civilization,” the decline of middle-class manliness, and Ida B. Wells’s antilynching campaign (1892-94)’, Radical history review, 52, 1992, 4-30.

Women of the Left Bank
Benstock, Shari, Women of the Left Bank, Paris 1900-1940, London: Virago press, 1987.

Makalösa kvinnor. Könsöverskridare i myt och verklighet
Borgström, Eva, ed., Makalösa kvinnor. Könsöverskridare i myt och verklighet (“Matchless women. Gender transgressors in myth and reality”), Göteborg: AlfabetaAnamma, 2002.

Nomadic Subjects
Braidotti, Rosi, Nomadic Subjects. Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory, New York: Columbia University Press, 1994.

Bodies that Matter
Butler, Judith, Bodies that Matter, on the Discursive Limits of “Sex”, New York and London: Routledge, 1993.

Excitable Speech: a politics of the performative
Butler, Judith, Excitable Speech: a politics of the performative. London and New York: Routledge, 1997.

Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Butler, Judith, Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity (1990), London and New York: Routledge, 1999

Giving an account of oneself
Butler, Judith, ‘Giving an account of oneself’, Diacritics, Winter 2001, 31, 4, 22-40.

Imitation and Gender Insubordination
Butler, Judith, ‘Imitation and Gender Insubordination’, Abelove et al., eds., The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader, 307-320.

Is Kinship Always already Heterosexual?
Butler, Judith, ‘Is Kinship Always already Heterosexual?’, differences, No.13.1, 2002.
(För bra introduktioner till Butler, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak & Homi Bhabha se tidskriften Glänta 1-2.01)

Personal Theatre
Case, Sue-Ellen, ‘Personal Theatre’, Feminism and Theatre, London: MacMillan, 1988, 46-61.

The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture
Castle, Terry, The Apparitional Lesbian: Female Homosexuality and Modern Culture, New York: Columbia University Press, 1993.

Dyer, Richard, White, London, New York: Routledge, 1997.

Ain’t I a Woman?
Esseveld och Larsson, red., Kvinnopolitiska nyckeltexter, studentlitteratur, 1996, including: Sojourner Truth, Ain’t I a Woman?(1850), 270.

A Feminist Introduction to Romanticism
Fay, Elizabeth A, A Feminist Introduction to Romanticism, Blackwell: Oxford and Malden Mass, 1998.

The Scandal of the Speaking Body
Felman, Shoshana, The Scandal of the Speaking Body: Don Juan with JL Austin or Seduction in Two Languages (Le Scandal du corps parlant, 1980), Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2002.

Figure and Flesh in Fin-de-Siècle France
Garb, Tamar, Bodies of Modernity, Figure and Flesh in Fin-de-Siècle France, London and New York: Thames and Hudson, 1998.

Gemzöe, Lena, Feminism, Stockholm: Bilda förlag, 2002.

Storstaden en särskilt attraktiv homomiljö?
Gunnarsson, Ewa, Anders Neergaard and Arne Nilsson, eds., Kors & tvärs: Intersektionalitet och makt i storstadens arbetsliv, Stockholm: normal, 2006, including: Nilsson, Arne, ‘Storstaden en särskilt attraktiv homomiljö?’117-133.

Female Masculinitity
Halberstam, Judith, Female Masculinitity, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1998.

In a Queer Time and Place
Halberstam, Judith, In a Queer Time and Place,Transgender Bodies, Subcultural Lives, New York and London: New York University Press, 2005.

Feminism and Methodology
Harding, Sandra, ed., Feminism and Methodology, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, 1987.

Genus –om det stabilas föränderliga former
Hirdman, Yvonne, Genus –om det stabilas föränderliga former, Liber, 2001.

Ett bidrag till heterosexualitetens historia
Laskar, Pia, Ett bidrag till heterosexualitetens historia. Kön, sexualitet och njutningsnormer i sexhandböcker 1800-1920, Stockholm: Modernista, 2005.

Varför grävde man upp Drottning Kristina?
Löfqvist, Eva, ed., Varför grävde man upp Drottning Kristina? Kvinnobilder i olika tider och kulturer, Göteborg, 1997, includes Eva Borgström, ‘Drottning Kristina och hermafroditens tankefigur’, 41-78.

Transforming Knowledge
Minnich, Elizabeth, Transforming Knowledge, Philadelphia: Temple University Press, 1990.

Playing in the dark. Whiteness and the literary imagination
Morrison, Toni, Playing in the dark. Whiteness and the literary imagination, New York: Vintage Books, 1993.

Heroic Desire. Lesbian Identity and Cultural Space
Munt, Sally, Heroic Desire. Lesbian Identity and Cultural Space, London and Washington: Cassell, 1998.

Trésor de la Cité des Dames
Pizans, Christine de: Trésor de la Cité des Dames (Boken om damernas stad), 1405. Book of the City of Ladies by Christine de Pizan, translated by Earl Jeffrey Richards, foreword by Marian Warner, Persea Press, 1994.

Identity: Skin Blood Heart
Pratt, Minnie Bruce, ‘Identity: Skin Blood Heart,’ Elly Bulkin, Barbara Smith and Minnie Bruce Pratt, Yours in struggle: three feminist prespectives on anti-semitism and racism, New York: Long Haul Press, 1984, 11-63.

Rosenberg, Tiina, Byxbegär, Göteborg: Anamma, 2000.

Queerfeministisk agenda
Rosenberg, Tiina, Queerfeministisk agenda, Stockholm: Atlas, 2002.

The traffic in women: Notes on the “Political Economy
Rubin, Gayle (1975) ‘The traffic in women: Notes on the “Political Economy” of Sex’, Rapp, Reyna, ed. Towards an Anthropology of Women. Monthly Review Press, 1975, 157-210.

Said, Edward, Orientalism, New York: Pantheon, 1978.

Scudéry, Madeleine de, Clélie, 1656.

Policing Public Women
Svanström, Yvonne, Policing Public Women, 2000.

Kvinnoarbete i Europa, 1789-1950. Genus, makt och arbetsdelning
Wikander, Ulla, Kvinnoarbete i Europa, 1789-1950. Genus, makt och arbetsdelning, Stockholm: Atlas Akademi, 1999.

Vindication for the Rights of Women
Wollstonecraft, Mary, Vindication for the Rights of Women, 1792 (Till försvar för kvinnans rättigheter) i polemik med Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Emile, 1762.

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